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Automate your Quality Assurance with GPT-powered AI

30 Nov 2023
Contact Centre Technology Theatre
Digital Transformation & Engagement , Contact Centre Operations & Efficiency

Everyone attending this conference understands that customer service conversations hold valuable information. But what inhibits us finding these hidden gems of information is the volume of conversations that are not valuable to us.

Klaus' AutoQA improves quality assurance efforts by 50x – which means that teams finally have the chance to understand the breadth and depth of all conversations.

Using large language models and AI knowledge interpretation, we can give you an overview of your support performance. And show you exactly which conversations you need to look at to glean insights that can reverberate company-wide.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Enhance your work efficiency by automating parts of your QA.
  2. Why quality assurance is more important than ever, especially with increased bot usage.
  3. How to identify critical tickets.
  4. Why a comprehensive performance overview will bolster your analytics.
  5. Increase the potential to make customer service teams revenue drivers.
Mervi Sepp Rei PhD, Head of ML and Data - Klaus