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Expanding CX Capabilities to Employees Beyond the Contact Center

30 Nov 2023
Employee & Customer Experience Theatre
Digital Transformation & Engagement , Contact Centre Operations & Efficiency

Why save the best service experience for just the contact centre?

Your main service desk receives a lot of calls, but so do your internal business lines like your IT HelpDesk, HR Team, Sales, Security, and Travel Desk. However, these departments often lack the necessary tools to provide exceptional service to their “customers”.

In this session, AudioCodes will show the power of spreading modern customer experience (CX) capabilities like intelligent routing, self-service IVAs, queuing and CRM, to every department in the company, while using Microsoft Teams as your centralized one-app, one-screen communications platform.

Join Jon Zoltie, on November 30th, at 11am, in the Employee & Customer Experience Theatre for a trending conversation on the connection between customer and employee experience and its impact on a company’s complete service workflow.

Key Takeaway:
Attendees will realise the importance of improving both the customer experience and the employee experience through intelligent call handling that isn't just the preserve of the service desk or contact centre.

Jon Zoltie, Contact Centre Specialist - AudioCodes